Which eWallets to use when buying Kinesis Velocity Tokens — step-by-step
If you believe that Kinesis has great potential and could be the monetary system of the future, then Kinesis Velocity Tokens (KVT) provide the greatest exposure to Kinesis’ future success.
To perpetuate the growth of the Kinesis Monetary System, Kinesis has released the KVT — a token which offers access to the Kinesis currency pre-ITO benefits and provides exposure to an aggregated 20% share across the network. KVTs are limited to 300,000 only and holders of the KVT tokens will receive a 20% proportional share of the transaction fees from the Kinesis Monetary System. This will create an additional layer of income for token holders on top of the value of the token itself.
Learn how
The Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT) is an ERC20 Token, meaning it is on the Ethereum network. KVT can only be viewed in an ERC20 Token-compatible eWallet which supports custom Tokens.
Learn how to create your own compatible wallet by following a few simple steps.
Once deployed, Kinesis can provide you with the KVT contract address information to enter into your eWallet to view your KVT balance.
To purchase KVTs you need an Ethereum ERC20-compatible eWallet. The Kinesis wallet has been designed in-house with a very clean, easy-to-use interface. This wallet was built to accommodate all the Kinesis currencies, making them easily accessible and convenient to manage in one place. If you don’t have a eWallet already, here’s one that you can opt for — MetaMask. This particular eWallet requires the installation of Google Chrome prior to the installation of MetaMask. Next comes the installing and configuring of the MetaMask eWallet for Kinesis with 13 easy steps:
Ø Step 1: Visit www.metamask.io
Ø Step 2: Click on the “GET CHROME EXTENSION” link. This will open a new browser tab.
Ø Step 3: Click the “+ADD TO CHROME” button in the top-right corner. A confirmation prompt will pop-up.
Ø Step 4: Click the “ADD EXTENSION” button.
Ø Step 5: The MetaMask installation will conclude and you will be redirected to the “HOW IT WORKS” section of the MetaMask homepage.
Ø Step 6: Click on the Fox Head icon located next to the address bar in the browser window.
Ø Step 7: Click on the “ACCEPT” button on the Privacy Notice.
Ø Step 8: Scroll to the bottom of the Terms of Use and click the “ACCEPT” button.
Ø Step 9: Type in a secure password and confirm it in the following box, then click the “CREATE” button.
Ø Step 10: You will be given 12 secret “seed words” which you need to record somewhere safe and keep them secret. These words can be used to restore your account.
Ø Step 11: You will be now logged into your new eWallet. Click on the “NETWORK” button at the top-left of the eWallet box to ensure “MAIN ETHEREUM NETWORK” is checked/selected.
Ø Step 12: Click on the 3 dots “…” on the right side of the eWallet box and select “COPY ADDRESS TO CLIPBOARD” from the drop-down menu.
Ø Step 13: The Public Key address has now been copied. You will now need to paste this address in the appropriate section of the KVT Web Application form.
Token issuance
The KVT provides buyers with a unique opportunity to secure a share of the revenue generated within the Kinesis Monetary System. These digital currencies are being developed for high-velocity trading and as outlined in the Kinesis Blueprint, the KVT plays an essential role for those wishing to maximize their potential overall yield.
The token issuance date is at midnight on September 9th, 2018. The KVT contract will be activated at a date no later than midnight on November 11th, 2018. Kinesis will be in touch prior to activation. The yield will be paid in the digital currency from which the share in transaction fees is derived (KAU, KAG, and so on).
For any sales-related enquiries, please contact sales@kinesis.money.
For everything else, please contact us via help@kinesis.money.