Our week in Korea — crypto discoveries and more
As promised, Kinesis’ Head of Marketing Jai Bifulco gives us an insight into the team trip to Korea, which took place last week:
Hi Readers,
Last week’s trip to South Korea was a massive success for us. Tom, Ryan and I were in Seoul, meeting with investors and potential partners; as well as getting a lot of press attention.
South Korea is the fourth-largest economy in Asia* and has long been in our sights for a number of reasons, the main one being its reputation for taking crypto very seriously. The Government there are investing time and money into making crypto more accessible for everyday people, they’re researching and developing secure blockchain technology and their efforts have already changed the way their population relates to money.
Forbes last year reported that South Korea was the world’s third-largest market for trading bitcoin**.
Whilst we were in Seoul, we came across local news agency Yonhap, who reported that more than 2million South Koreans have invested in cryptocurrencies and that in December 2017, the Korean Financial Investors Protection Foundation ran a survey to find out who was buying crypto in the region. The survey concluded that most South Korean crypto buyers were in their twenties (nearly 23%) and that typically, investors spanned all ages, with the upper end being in their sixties.***
Here are some of the main wins that we secured whilst we were away:
- Committed investors who attended a dinner and presentation with us at PizzaMuzzo, which was hosted by The Collective C
- A video interview with leading Koeran crypto news source Tokenpost (watch the interview here: http://bit.ly/2M8ItBE )
- Column inches in etnews, an award-winning finance title (read the article here: http://bit.ly/2M6ThAr)
- Asia Today, a leading Korean media brand, gave us some coverage (read the article here: http://bit.ly/2wQGD3B)
- Fruitful meet-ups with powerful contacts via our blockchain consultants, MLG.
Kinesis is very-much looking forward to working more closely with the crypto and blockchain groups we met in South Korea and the investors that we had the pleasure of meeting personally.
Until next time,
Jai Bifulco
The Kinesis executive team are currently in New York and will soon travel to Canada, meeting with potential partners and investors. If you will be in New York or Canada and would like to arrange a private chat, email our Head of Sales and Trading: ryan.case@kinesis.money
***Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/survey-finds-south-korean-youth-the-most-active-crypto-investors/