MVP Demo release
We’re proud to release the walkthrough guide of our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) demo. The MVP demo of the Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX) and the Kinesis eWallet is available for you to explore and test.
This demo environment allows users to create their own eWallets, mint their own Kinesis currencies (KAU = gold and KAG = silver) through the KCX, emit these currencies into their wallets and then send the currencies to other Kinesis eWallets on the Kinesis Blockchain.
To gain access to the walkthrough guide, please follow the link below.
Please note that this is not a fully integrated platform, meaning the functionality is limited.
The demo is also currently in a testing environment and will be moved to a more stable environment in the coming weeks.
We will be continuously releasing improvements to this facility, so be sure to stay up to date with all the latest developments.